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"This was one of the most formative experiences I have had in the PhD thus far. …
The focused, intensive nature of this workshop enhanced my grasp of the purpose and philosophy of inductive research, clarified some fuzzy distinctions I held between different methodological schools of thought, and drastically increased my confidence in my ability to perform each step of the qualitative research process."

Participant, QMW 2022 

The workshop is structured as a mix of interactive instruction and hands-on work. Faculty experts take the lead on a part of the research process (i.e. data collection, analysis, etc.). These sessions are practiced by participants working in small groups of 5-6 participants, plus a faculty mentor, on assignments. Our aim is to create an intensive experience/practicum of the early stage work involved in qualitative projects. Learn how to:


• Collect qualitative data through interviews, participant and non-participant observation, archival data and artifacts

• Code data, write memos, create visuals and use other analysis techniques

• Develop grounded theory

• Frame your data to make theoretical contributions to the literature

• Be an active and engaged qualitative researcher

Participating PhD students might be awarded 2 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credits for their active engagement and successful completion of the workshop. More information on the evaluation for students wanting to receive ECTS will be provided in the syllabus.


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